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Found 51 articles
Becoming a great interviewer: do your homework, get it right
- 30 Jan 2024
Failing to prepare is preparing to fail – it is a well-known saying and is just as important when recruiting staff as with any other situation, as Adam Bernstein explains.
A day in the life of a charity vet at Christmas
- 13 Jan 2023
KIRSTY WARREN, veterinary surgeon team leader at Bradford PDSA Pet Hospital, shares an insight into life on the busy frontline for the UK’s largest veterinary charity, providing vital care for pets whose owners would otherwise struggle with costs.
Stay interviews: how a conversation helps bosses better understand staff
- 5 Oct 2022
At a time when practices are struggling to recruit, Adam Bernstein explains one way employers can help ensure their valued employees stay put.
The extra something farm vet interviewers look for
- 30 Jun 2021
Tim Potter BVetMed, PhD, MRCVS, clinical director at Westpoint Farm Vets, runs through some of the expectations for a farm vet candidate – and why his practice has adopted competency-based interviews.
Making it in an equine practice job interview
- 30 Jun 2021
Equine specialist Phil Cramp BVM&S, DipECVS, MRCVS – a founding partner of Hambleton Equine Clinic and BEVA careers committee member – discusses how equine vet candidates should approach interviews.
What are practices looking for in prospective vets?
- 29 Jun 2021
Vet Ian Wright, co-owner of Mount Veterinary Practice in Lancashire, offers some pointers on what practices are looking for from candidates at interview.
Interview success: how to bring out your best
- 29 Jun 2021
Fiona Stephens, recruitment manager for Goddard Veterinary Group, offers some sage advice on conducting yourself in interviews.
Tips for approaching your first interview
- 29 Jun 2021
RVC emergency and critical care resident Dave Beeston, who has been charting his early career in the profession in Vet Times, offers his insight on first interviews.
Interview nerves? How to calm yourself before an interview
- 16 Jul 2019
If sweating and nerves can cause a politician to lose a presidential election, then they can surely hurt your job interview. Simple techniques to control your nervousness in interviews are available.
What soft skills do employers look for in a veterinary nurse?
- 2 Jul 2019
Veterinary nurses need a specific set of soft skills – but what soft skills are the employer looking for? Find out in Vet Times Jobs’ career advice.
Vet career check: moving from practice to a commercial role
- 20 Jun 2019
Swapping your consult comfort zone for the corporate sphere can be a daunting prospect for some vets. To help soften the blow, Tony Noble of Noble Futures recruitment consultancy shares his tips for a smooth, successful transition.
Veterinary interview fails: how not to do it
- 12 May 2019
Searching for a job can be a daunting task – and the interview stage is arguably the scariest part of the process. It's also where many people fall short...
'What do you think of garden gnomes?' – strange interview questions
- 5 Apr 2019
As well as preparing for standard interview questions, remember your prospective employer may throw in some seemingly random questions designed to throw you off your stride.
5 tips for acing telephone interviews
- 2 Apr 2019
The way we find, apply for and interview for jobs is undergoing major changes, and telephone interviews are now a very common obstacle for jobseekers.
How to ace that job interview
- 4 Mar 2019
One of the most nerve-wracking aspects of a job interview is the knowledge that somebody is about to fire a number of searching questions at you. This can be seen as a Paxmanesque interrogation where everything said is doubted and each view is challenged – but these four tips will help you sail through your interview with ease.
How to stay calm in that big interview
- 13 Feb 2019
Staying calm and relaxed in an interview is often key to winning the job. So how do you keep a cool head?
What is your biggest weakness?
- 12 Feb 2019
It’s a question that causes an immediate problem: are you really meant to say something negative about yourself that could spell the end for your application?
Jobseekers: be prepared for the tough questions
- 9 Feb 2019
Interview jitters can make it difficult to come up with great responses on the spot, so try to anticipate the questions your interviewers will ask you and have the perfect answers ready in advance.
Thinking yourself into a positive interview state
- 6 Feb 2019
A job interview is not “just another conversation”, it's more like a sales call where, instead of trying to persuade a customer to purchase a product, you are selling yourself.
Arm yourself with some killer questions
- 30 Jan 2019
The dreaded “have you got any questions for us?” question will come at the end of most interviews, so it's best to have something prepared. Can't think of anything? Here are 5 killer questions for you to use... You're welcome!