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5 body language tips to help win that job

Published on: 22 Jan 2015

body language

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OK, you've spotted your dream job – the next move is yours, so play it carefully.

As you are probably aware, clear articulation, confidence and knowledge are key when answering what can often be tricky interview questions. However, even the best answers can be lost in translation if your posture and bodily gestures don't match what you are trying to say. After all, aspects such as eye contact, fidgeting, and sitting straight can speak volumes too.

Do what you say and say what you do!

An impeccable work record and exceptional expertise can sadly be worthless if not presented properly within an interview situation. For your guidance, we have highlighted some of the ways in which you can ensure your body language speaks the right way.

According to experts in the field of body language, it is imperative to adopt what is known as a "neutral posture". This is achieved by imagining a string connecting the top of your head to the ceiling.

Remember, leaning too far forward may appear aggressive and sitting back looks lazy.

Communication professionals suggest the simple act of crossing the arms can be interpreted as defensive, whereas having them at your sides signifies approachability.

Politely agree, but don't be a nodding dog. A nod of the head in agreement is one thing but an excessive motion is distracting. This over exaggerated movement is said to be more common in women – so come on ladies, nod once and don't make the interviewer dizzy.

Despite the fact arms shouldn't be crossed in front of the body, likewise hands should not be clasped behind it either. Holding your arms in this position can restrict movement and may result in an overly rigid posture – never a warm signal.

Remember, facial expressions and verbal answers should marry. For instance, if asked to explain a serious scenario, it is probably best not to wear a huge smile as this can seriously compromise the appearance of sincerity.

So, when entering an interview room armed with industry knowledge, take note and communicate your expertise using the handy hints we have suggested. Be confident, not arrogant; be friendly, not familiar – and overall, be aware.