5 animal health care professions you didn't know existed
dog xray by liverpoolhls, licensed under Creative commons 4
Many people incorrectly assume that, if you’re not a vet or veterinary nurse, you won’t be a qualified animal health care professional.
In reality, there are dozens of vital caring roles available for people keen to make enhancing animal health and well-being their career. Take a look at these five surprising opportunities for less well-known animal health occupations.
Animal physiotherapist
An animal physiotherapist provides a range of therapeutic treatments for both acute and chronic injuries. They help animals suffering from such conditions as muscle weakness, joint stiffness, pain, inflammation and skeletal issues. Treatments might include encouraging specific exercises, therapeutic massage, hydrotherapy, strapping, heat and ultrasound treatments.
Behavioural therapist
From disobedient dogs to claustrophobic horses, animals can suffer from all sorts of mental distress and behavioural issues. Specialist training is needed for jobs that involve working with animals and their owners to tackle unhelpful and sometimes dangerous behaviour.
Veterinary pharmacist
There are now an enormous range of drugs that have been designed specifically for the treatment of animals. A veterinary pharmacist specialises in the appropriate and safe dispensing of these substances. Gaining a qualification in this profession requires a comprehensive and lengthy training programme.
A role often performed by a specialist veterinary nurse, taking x-rays is an important diagnostic technique that is widely used by veterinary practices across the country. Not only can animal radiographers be based at a veterinary hospital, they can also work at a general practice or on-site using a portable x-ray machine.
Remedial farrier
Riding, carriage driving and racing can all place enormous strain on a horse’s delicate joints and muscles. Any unevenness in gait or poor foot placement can result in lameness, pain and discomfort. A remedial farrier uses their extensive knowledge of equine foot care and careful gait analysis to construct appropriate remedial shoes and other aids to correct the problem.
As you can see, there are a number of exciting and intriguing occupations within animal health care, which are all rewarding roles. With so many different jobs to choose from, it’s no wonder this field is such a popular choice for people who crave a satisfying animal-related career.